by | 10 Jan 2019 | Classes
Great to see group training and HIIT at no 2 and 3 with bodyweight training at no 5 within the top 10 fitness trends for 2019! Most will know I am very passionate about group exercise for many reasons, motivation and a cost-effective way of receiving effective and...
by | 19 Jun 2018 | Classes
It’s the start of the second round and I know what you’re thinking (we’ve all been there)! ‘Why do I put myself through this week in week out?’ Well, here are 6 reasons why it’s all worth it. Remember, Metafit is tough BUT...
by | 13 Dec 2017 | Classes, Clean Eating, Families, Featured, Fitness, Health, Wellness
The countdown to Xmas is on. Today marks 12 days to Xmas and to celebrate I have a wee quiz running. So head over to my Get2it Facebook Page and pop in your answer and go into the draw to win some holiday classes 😉 With the...
by | 4 Dec 2017 | Classes, Clean Eating, Families, Featured, Fitness, Health, Spin Classes, Weight Loss, Wellness
Get2it Fitness Studio Gift Vouchers Our Gift Vouchers are the perfect gift for a friend or loved one to get a kick start with their fitness. You can use the vouchers for Personal Training, Fitness Classes! Pick from our vouchers below or contact us to arrange a value...
by | 3 Nov 2017 | Classes, Featured, Fitness, Health, Wellness
I’m looking for 10 Mum’s to join my small group training programme, who want to undergo a body transformation, get fitter and stronger than ever before! Apply if you meet the following criteria: * Desperately want to change the way you feel and look *...
by | 13 Sep 2017 | Classes, Clean Eating, Families, Featured, Health, Weight Loss, Wellness
For the past 3 years, I have followed a HFLC Diet. I never like to use the word diet because diet for many people means when you eat a certain way to lose weight. For me, diet means the type and range of food that you regularly eat. Why did I decide to eat this way?...