New Online Program- Help name it…….

    I’m in the process of putting together a new online program and I need help naming it… The program is focussing on sugar free, some raw food (which means foods that have not been heated beyond 47 degrees. I have worked hard to ensure all...

Latest Testimonial……

I have just received this testimonial from Karen-  Thank you Karen for sharing your story- my hope is your story will encourage someone to start their own journey to a healthier lifestyle. “Wow, where to start. Tracy Adams is a star in my eyes! During the 12...


I have just returned from the annual Laser Electrical conference- Imagine my excitement when on the last day the speaker was John Shackleton! He has a background in Sports Coaching and Sports Psychology. He talked about improving the most powerful muscle in the body –...

Work hard for the life you want…..

Feeling very inspired by Ashton’s speech! A great speech Gen Y and Z. “Opportunities look a lot like work. Yes you need to work for the life you want. Build a life don’t live one. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Go out there work...


VEGEMITE! 1 of the world’s richest known sources of B vitamins, specifically thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. The main ingredient of Vegemite is yeast extract, which contains a high concentration of glutamic acid. Vegemite does not contain any fat,...

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Low Carb High Fat lifestyle
and Intermittent Fasting?


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